Sunday, March 9, 2008

My First Blog, As promised


Thanks for sharing your issues and hearts with us at our last Pilgrimage.

As promised, I wanted to share what God had taught me on the hot seat at Potters Wheel.A year ago at Sanctuary, God revealed to me that I made Complete Food Service my idol. If I had not made it the #1 priority in my life, it was a close #2 to God. I repented and God's grace and forgiveness flooded my heart. I felt free for the first time in many years.My idol worship was uncovered through the relationship with my brothers, who also work for the family business. I had contempt for them because they were blocking my attempts at positive results for the business. I was finding life in the success of the business. If the business did well, I looked good to my Dad and others. If the business did poorly, others may find out what my Mom found out years ago - that I am a phony (my negative belief). I had made the success of the business more important than my relationship with my brothers. God had challenged me to love my brothers and to trust Him with the results of the business.

In Potters Wheel, God took this issue to another level. I believe my contempt for my brothers is still in remission, but, our family business is currently facing the most severe financial challenge in our 24 year history. In our current status, what does it look like to love my brothers but still manage the company well. In the Parenting Class Jan and I are facilitating, we have learned that our children are always asking 2 critical questions - #1 - Do you love me? and #2 - Can I have my own way?At CFS, since I am the President of the company and have filled the patriarch role of our Dad, I believe my brothers are asking me the same 2 questions - Keith, do you love me and can I have my own way (i.e - can I do whatever I want to do at the family business and remain unaccountable). Just like with our kids, I want to consistently love my brothers but be clear that because I love them and I am accountable to God for the stewardship of the company, I cannot allow them to have their own way if it is not in the best interests of the company. On the hot seat, I had to bow my knee to my fear of conflict with my brothers. God is challenging me to confront them, to walk into conflict with them when necessary. I would appreciate your prayers as I lean into God for help and strength as He calls me to a deeper level of faith and obedience.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Finding my Legs

Hello All, Thanks so much for including us in your journeys and wanting to share in ours. This has been an awesome journey thus far and we are excited to see what God will do in the coming months.
Potters Wheel was revolutionary for me. I realized how much i need to walk into being misunderstood and forgotten...and I have had many an opportunity to do this. What has been even more freeing for me though, would have to be giving up control for Lent. Yes, i know it's a bit out of the box, but Patti (bless her heart!) challenged me to do this and i'm failing every day and learning and understanding and pressing through the fear and anxiety of letting go. 
Miraculously, i have had less headache, and my children are much happier. ??? It seems the less i micromanage and just let things be, the more we are able to accomplish in our day. The more i pushed to get our "list" of things done, the more i'd end up with resistance.  
Once i took on the attitude that it does not matter anymore how much school we get done or how they do it or if the boys pick up their rooms the way they are supposed to be (etc...fill in the get the idea) the less resistance and the happier our day was.  The boys are much more at peace.  Amazing!  I know the whole idea is counterintuitive, but it's really true,  the less control - the more happy everyone is.
This is just a small piece of what God is doing.  i could go on for days about what God is doing in Tim and my relationship, how i seem to be more merciful, etc. but i won't bore could also check out my site & blog @

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Welcome everyone!

We have been talking as a group about our ability to connect and stay in touch. It is a challenge for all of us to be sure. One idea that may help us is to have a blog space for the community where we can all come and share our hearts as we are led.

Please express your feelings and opinions about using a blog to stay connected.
